SIK Navigator (HoaTieu) - Simple and useful for people, special for Ship/Fisher in Vietnam

SIK Navigator is an Navigator App to help people/ships in the Vietnam Sea. However it can be useful for many cases, many areas.

Connect - Support
Locate and update status of ships in the area and direct the ships to support each other in emergency rescue missions.
Navigate - Direct
Use accelerometer sensor and compass integrated into machine body to provide navigating data to fishermen and help them reach the safest place or approach rescue ships the fastest.
Based on data from weather forecasts transmitted through 3G, GPRS, EDGES and GSMd, SMS or USSD to update location of storm eyes and affected areas to help fishermen refrain from dangerous areas.
Use GPS, handheld transceiver, radio to support locating ships
Help fishermen update their locations and status of the sea to be proactive in times of emergency
Update locations and number of ships in the area
Locating app Hoa Tieu
Locate ships in the sea
Storm alert
Provide directions to safe areas
Support search and rescue missions
Help fishermen connect and support each other

Key features: 

Connect - Support Locate and update status of ships in the area and direct the ships to support each other in emergency rescue missions.
Navigate - Direct Use accelerometer sensor and compass integrated into machine body to provide navigating data to fishermen and help them reach the safest place or approach rescue ships the fastest.
Alert Based on data from weather forecasts transmitted through 3G, GPRS, EDGES and GSMd, SMS or USSD to update location of storm eyes and affected areas to help fishermen refrain from dangerous areas
Locating Use GPS, handheld transceiver, radio to support locating ships Help fishermen update their locations and status of the sea to be proactive in times of emergency
