Flood Assessment and Damage Estimation

Short Description: 

This is a QGIS plugin for calculating flood damage on buildings

Project description: 

Flood is like an annual disaster in Jakarta. This capital city of Indonesia suffers a lot from flood. It causes health problem and damages the infrastructure, not to mention it halts the productivity and the economy of the city. The government tries to minimize the risk and damage of flood using various means and cooperation. This project is just another coordinated attempt to know how much damage the flood will affect the city. It gives the government an estimation of the damage, and hopefully, will help as a resources to make the city better.

This project uses QGIS as tools to make a geospatial model/visualization of flood based on the data that the government provides. QGIS can display the area of Jakarta and the data of the buildings in Jakarta. This project also uses InaSAFE, which is a QGIS plugin and tools that can produces realistic natural hazard impact scenarios for better planning, preparedness and response activities. It provides a simple but rigorous way to combine data from scientists, local governments and communities to provide insights into the likely impacts of future disaster events.

InaSAFE was conceived and initially developed by the Indonesia's National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Australian Aid, through the Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction and the World Bank - Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (World Bank-GFDRR).

This project tries to add additional functionality in InaSAFE specifically for flood assessment. It can associate the flood data that the government gave (the height of flood in a region) and spatially visualized it in QGIS. It also can calculate the estimation of damage based on the building type and vulnerability matrix provided by the user. The report then will be generated to make the user better understand the damage estimation categorized by each building type.

The government then can use the generated report to have a better understanding about the building risk. By using this information, hopefully, the government can devise a better plan to reduce the damage done when the floods happen.