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Short Description: 

Local governments are not aware of central policies.

Crisis Statement: 

Local governments not aware of the central government policies, circulars, transfers, guidelines, programs related to sanitation.

Needs Statement: 

Develop a system to inform & gain feedback from local governments on central government initiatives. Most local governments do not have access to the internet but do have high access to simple mobile phones. We need to develop a system to graph / map local government responses to specific multiple choice questions via SMS. Additional resources needed: mobile phone numbers of local government chairs & members, BTRC registered SMS short code, GIS files of UPs & pourashavas.

Follow-up statement: 



additional information required

Trishan de Lanerolle's picture

Can you provide examples of the information (policies, circulars, guidelines etc..) that need be be provided or links to source materials? Can you define a clear use case where this application could be used., such as city council member needs to be aware of sanitation program X because of ..... . Do you have a specific case study or pilot site, where prototype applications could be tested. What is the impact of your proposal? There isn't enough information to start working on a solution here.

additional information required

Trishan de Lanerolle's picture

Can you provide examples of the information (policies, circulars, guidelines etc..) or links to source materials? Can you define a clear use case where this application could be used., such as city council member needs to be aware of sanitation program X because of ..... . Do you have a specific case study or pilot site, where prototype applications could be tested. What is the impact of your proposal? There isn't enough information to start working on a solution here.