
Code for Resilience supports events that build community, knowledge, and capacity, and contribute to the base of locally-relevant disaster risk management tech tools. Since launching in 2014, Code for Resilience has organized over a dozen events on four continents.

News about our latest event in Dar es Salaam Tanzania (saturday January 30th, 2016) coming soon...


If local partners need a refresher or deep dive training on existing disaster risk mangement tech tools that can be used to meet locally identified problem statements, Code for Resilience provides financial and technical support to organize trainings in collaboration with local partners.

Code Sprints

If existing disaster risk mangement tech tools must be adapted, or if new tools are needed to meet locally identified problem statements, Code for Resilience provides financial and technical support to organize code sprints in collaboration with local partners. Code sprints typically are held over two to three days, build connections between disaster risk management experts and local technology communities, and encourage the use of open source technologies, open data, open standards, and open platforms. Learn about past code sprints .